My preferred schedule for programs (98 responses)
My preferred schedule for programs (broken down by age group)
I would rate my physical health as (105 responses)
57% report there are no difficulties preventing their participation in activities. The most common reasons reported that make participation difficult were:
13% feel they are too young
13% have family obligations
11% reported difficulty finding parking
9% programs not offered at a time they are available
9% reported transportation challenges
I attend programs and/or events at these locations (102 responses)
I visit the Yellow Springs Senior Center (112 responses)
My most recent visit to the YS Senior Center was (112 responses)
I arrive at YSSC by (110 responses, could select more than one answer)
The variety of programs offered are (100 responses)
The quality of current programs are (98 responses)
Membership costs are currently $20 per individual, $15 extra per household member (111 responses)
Do any of the following difficulties prevent you from participating? (118 responses)
If Senior apartments were available, how soon would you consider living in one (111 responses)