Genealogy Group Mondays, 9:45–10:45 am, Great Room Join a mix of beginners and experienced genealogy researchers to share and learn information about building a family tree, how to use DNA test results, and other on-line resources. Come once or multiple weeks. Bring laptops, pencil and paper, questions, and answers! More info on Annie Blanchard’s website. Contact [email protected] to sign up.
Ping Pong Mondays, 4–6 pm, Great Room The Senior Center has a new ping pong table in the Great Room with a time for open play! A weekend session can be added if there’s enough interest. No Ping Pong on the second Monday of May, July, September, or November due to the Financial Series.
Ukulele Class Tuesdays, 10–11:30 am, Great Room Learn to play the ukulele. This class, taught by local musician, Susan Wolf, is an introduction to ukulele playing. Because each learner will have a different starting place, instruction will be part group and part individual. Ukuleles will be provided for in-class use. The objective is to learn music vocabulary, mostly familiar songs. Recreational music is an intriguing and fun activity. This class is an opportunity to get started playing the ukulele, the easiest stringed instrument.
Knitting, Crochet, & Crafts Wednesdays, 10 am–noon, Great Room Weekly knitting/crocheting. Big Talk Wednesdays, 10:30 am, Fireplace Room Have you ever felt lonely or disconnected? Does the question, “how are you doing?” lead you nowhere? Skipping the small talk, Big Talk is the intimacy of listening and speaking to get to know yourself or another more deeply. In a small group and dyads, you will have the opportunity to dive a little deeper into your hearts while being respectfully listened to.
Weekly Wednesday Lunches Wednesdays, noon-1 pm, Great Room Antioch College’s kitchen is helping the YS Senior Center with weekly lunch service Wednesdays at noon in the Great Room. Please register so there’s enough food and arrive by 12:30 pm. The meal is free, but donations are appreciated. Register at, 937-767-5751, or [email protected].
Golden Morning Walkers Club Thursdays, 9–10 am Gather in the Glen for a slow-paced walk on an easy wooded trail and portion of the bikepath to make a pleasant loop. Enjoy the beauty of the Glen and each other's company while getting some mild morning exercise. Approx 1/2 mile. Geared toward older adults, but all ages and abilities are welcome. Co-sponsored by the Yellow Springs Senior Center and the Glen Helen Association. Meet outside the Vernet Center at the north end of the parking lot. 405 Corry St, Yellow Springs. Registration suggested, walk-ins welcome. Weather permitting. Free for program participants. If you would like to be on a reminder/update call list, please contact Maggie at 767-5751 ext 109 or [email protected].
Drawing Practice Group Fridays 1–2 pm, Fireplace Room For those who have taken Drawing for Beginners and want more practice, or those who would like to practice basic drawing with others.
Tech Help Fridays, 2:30-3:30 pm, Fireplace Room No appointment needed. Please know or bring your passwords.
Current Events Discussion Group 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 4 pm, Fireplace Room A group dedicated to discussing current events, using the New York Times newspaper as a guide for conversation, and historical topics as they come up. Bring your ideas and historical knowledge to share!
Chat with the Doc First Thursday from 11 am Drop in with questions or topics of interest for Dr. Haley Sauder, who will share her expertise as an MD and offer general information on health and wellness topics. This is not a medical appointment, and no diagnoses or prescriptions will be involved.
Third Thursday Potluck Third Thursday from 11:30 am–1 pm, Great Room Hosted at the Senior Center and co-sponsored by Friends Care Community. Join us in the Great Room for a shared meal featuring guest speakers who will focus on Health & Wellness topics. Please bring a side dish to share with the group. Community Colloquy Series Third Thursday, 7–8:30 pm, Great Room Monthly guests to share their expertise and knowledge with the community. Programs will meet in the Great Room and also be on Zoom. All are welcome. Participants registered through MyActiveCenter will have a link emailed to them about an hour before the class. If you need help getting registered, call the Senior Center at 937-767-5751.
Bingo Monthly, see Upcoming Events for dates, 4–5:30 pm, Great Room Play Bingo for cash prizes on the last Friday of the month in the Great Room with refreshments. Cards cost 25¢ per card each round, play as many cards as you like. Open to ages 21 and up.
Discussing Our Own Death First Saturday, 3:30–5 pm, Great Room This conversation group meets once a month.
Ukulele Club First Saturday, 6–8:30 pm, Great Room The club was founded by and is led by Chris Murphy. It uses a song-circle format where participants take turns choosing a song for the group to play and sing. Chords and lyrics will be projected. Come with a song in mind or just be ready to say “pass.” There is no age requirement to attend. Because this is an evening event, enter at the red door by the carport. More info at Or, email Chris Murphy at [email protected].
SoulCollage® Drop In Third Sundays, 2–5 pm, Great Room Karen Nelson will lead monthly drop-in sessions to gather and play in the evocative world of images. Images will be available but participants should bring their collage kit or get a supply list from Maggie.
Ethical Wills Selected dates, Fireplace Room Artie Isaac will present information on Ethical Wills. Ethical wills are not a legal document or about material items, they are a way to convey your values, stories, and important information to loved ones. Artie’s presentation will help you start crafting your own way to express your ideas. Limited to 8 participants. Register through or call 937-767-5751. Financial Series Second Monday at 5 pm (April, June, August, October), Great Room Ryan Beach, Financial Advisor with Edward Jones in Xenia will present investment education on alternate months.