You can help support the Senior Center if you happen to shop for groceries occasionally at Kroger and use your Kroger Plus Reward Card. YSSC automatically receives a rebate. You can register online using the steps below. Kroger will pay based on a percentage of your spending. You will still retain and secure your own points. Thank you for participating!
The important thing is our organization number, RU161. This will allow you to easily find us in the list. You can also search our name instead.
If you have your Kroger Plus card or an alternate ID, keep it handy. It’ll assist in the registration process. Don’t have one? No worries, one will be given to you! Just leave the relevant field blank.
Now that you have a profile, you’ll want to add the organization! By going to, you’ll find a long list of organizations that you can select to enroll in.
Our organization number is RU161, or you can search for “Yellow Springs Senior Center.”
Please note, you can only enroll in one organization at a time. However, you can change which organization you are enrolled in at any time.
Now that you are enrolled, transactions made using your account’s Kroger Plus card will be applied to the program, at zero additional cost to you! Kroger will give a donation to us annually. Thank you! Please note, that you will need to input your Kroger Plus card or alternate ID at checkout, or it won’t apply to that purchase.
An e-mail address is required when setting up your Kroger account. Don’t have one? No problem! We can help you set one up!
You DO NOT need a Kroger Plus card or alternate ID before setting up your account. One will be created for you, just leave the field when it asks for your Kroger Plus card number or Alternate ID blank.
When you search for an organization, you’ll want to double-check your preferred store. You’ll want to have the zip code set to a Kroger nearby.