Unfolding Operations at the Senior Center: The following programs/services are fully operational:
Support Services—appointments continued utilizing a safe space
Transportation—transportation of clients to medical appointments and when possible, other personal care services
Homemaking Services—up and running
Activities—many activities are being held on-line using the Zoom platform
Grocery Delivery—started almost after the stay at home order was put in place
Administration—building maintained, reports filed, newsletters out, bills paid, payroll, bank deposits, annual appeal campaign, fundraising events, etc.
FACILITIES: Sanitation: Automatic hand sanitizer stations are located at the entrance door and in the Great Room.
Entering Facility:
Visitors are required to sign in unless they are participating in a class. Class participants will sign in with their instructor. Date/time of entry, name, address, and telephone number will be secured from the participant.
Group Activities:
No meals will be served at this time.
We will continue to offer Zoom and other virtual activities.
CONFIRMED CASE: The local health department will be given any contact tracing information which we can provide, and we will abide with their recommendations.