In the Summer 2021, the Senior Center offered a chance for all to submit ideas for “wrapping” our Honda CRV. Not finding a suitable Honda cartoon, a silhouette of a Prius was included as an insert to the Yellow Springs News. We received several submissions right up to the posted deadline. The various illustrations were passed around the Center’s staff with each individual deciding their ‘favorite’ entry. By the end of the day, the informal tally was quite conclusive. Not one, but two drawings excited the team members. Both drawings suggested sunflower motifs. It was immediately clear – we had not one, but multiple contest winners.
Below you can see the original entries and read more about the artists behind the drawings. Also, you can see the final car wrap design that was inspired by the works of the contest winners.
Friends Helen Eier and Ken Coleman - aka, “The Imagineers” - co-created the second entry. During one of their regular meetings at Helen’s Glen, they conspired to create a design that would “reflect a certain positive aspect that all [Senior Center] members and Village residents [could] relate to and be proud of.” Together they settled on representing the local fields of sunflowers that make “us all feel elated and hopeful…[and] closely matching the spirit and hope that thrives within our village.”
Ava Taylor has one foot planted in Columbus, Ohio and the other in Yellow Springs. While spending time with her mother in the capital city, she focuses on finishing her senior year studies. When staying with her dad In Yellow Springs, she enjoys submersing herself in the local art scene. This Fall, Ava will pursue her own passions of drawing and painting at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design. Look for her in the shops about town, Art on the Lawn, or just strolling about the village.
Congratulations to our winners! Thanks for the inspiring the final, finished design.
Left to right: Ava Taylor, Ken Coleman and Helen Eier, co-winners of the YSSC “Car Wrap Design” Contest. They gathered to see the final design inspired by their individual submissions.